
Showing posts from February, 2010

Where Did the Stawberries Come From?

Okay, so my references to geometric logic and strawberries was a bit oblique. Here’s a clue. If you still don’t get it, I highly recommend the movie (or the book).

So What's Wrong with a Little Magic?

Some of the people I talk to say I engage in “magical thinking.” They maintain that I sometimes ascribe illogical outcomes to actions I take, or on the other hand I tend to attribute the cause of some experiences and developments to strange, mystical factors. It is decidedly untrue, and I can prove it using geometric logic, a branch of reasoning I learned from Humphrey Bogart. Just because I think there are causes for certain things that are not immediately apparent, and just because I don’t always trust my subjective impression of reality, and just because others may think I am illogical, there is no reason to assume I am necessarily wrong in my thinking. You see, I am convinced that we are all affected very much in our lives by the thoughts of others. Wait, before you line up to sign my commitment papers, let me explain. We all have prejudices, ways of categorizing what we experience. It's not malicious. It's a means of survival in a complex, confusing and sometimes downright