
Showing posts from November, 2009

Journaling at the Speed of Life...

I keep a personal journal. On the shelf, that is. I know the importance of maintaining an ongoing narrative of one's life experiences, both as an important step toward improved self-awareness and as a gift to future generations who might find it interesting to know how people like me managed to get through this whole business of mortality in one piece. A journal well-kept is a personal treasure. My journal covers over twenty years. All in only twelve pages. Months and even years pass between entries, and most of those are a single paragraph. I even have one entry that reads something like "I had the most interesting experience today." Then nothing. I have no idea what it was that was so interesting, and it obviously will be a mystery forever. The real mystery is how, on such an important subject, I have neglected to follow the rules. I cannot count how many times I have been asked if I remember something that happened years ago, only to find out half my life has faded awa